Women Entrepreneurs of Idaho Movement
Imagine this scenario…
You are standing in a room with 30 women, all business owners, ready to share who they are and excited to collaborate together and level up their business. You are told that they will go around the room and each of you will have a few minutes to give your “elevator speech.” You look around, everyone looks calm and excited for the spotlight. You realize you are next and you haven’t even heard a word anyone has said because you are freaking out inside and your brain is going… what the heck is an elevator speech!?! Who am I? Everyone is going to realize I don’t know anything!
If you can relate to this scenario… YOU ARE MY PEOPLE!
I had self doubt, feelings of not being good enough, I over analyzed everything and was often paralyzed to move forward in my business, using the excuse that it just wasn’t perfect yet.
This was me when I first started networking. I knew I needed to go, it would help me connect to people and as a service based business, people are pretty important for my success.
I found there is actually a thing called imposter syndrome. I experienced it every single day in my business and yet never knew what it was.
Imposter Syndrome : A psychological occurrence in which people doubt their skills, talents, or accomplishments and have a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as frauds.
Who knew? A few years later, after overcoming imposter syndrome (*mostly) I have decided to use my skills and talents as a photographer to help other women business owners that might be struggling with similar feelings as I did. What happened next has been so amazing, and I am just getting started!
The Women Entrepreneurs of Idaho Movement was born. The very first launch was in 2022. I had 15 participants join the movement. All local women owned businesses. Each women had their own personalized branding session where we created so many amazing images that focused on their unique story, what made them different from other similar businesses and visually showcasing them in their business.
At the end of the year all the participants joined together at a networking event. The images were on display, showcasing each business owner. Everyone was able to make long lasting connections to other local businesses in an environment that catered to the introvert and made things so much easier because every single person in the room all went through a confidence building experience and were able to see themselves how others see them, as the expert in their field.
Every year a new group of 25 business owners will come together and join the movement. Growing our network together and building lasting relationships. You don’t have to go it alone… you can have a tribe of women to cheer you on and help along the way!